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Autographes et lettres reçus de Natalie Dormer
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Natalie Dormer - SUCCESS - 04 mars 2016
Sent SAE, IRC, LOR and two pics on January 7, 2016. Received both pics back signed & personalized on February 17, 2016. I used the following address: Natalie Dormer United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK I'm so happy, she is one of my favourite actresses ;)<!-- s;) -->

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Natalie Dormer SUCCESS! - 24 février 2016
I sent a LOR, SASE and a 6x4 photo to the address on the database (United Agents Ltd.) on 13.02.2016. I received my photo signed and personalised and another 6x4 photo (that I didn't send) signed and personalised today, 24.02.2016. It only took 11 days and it looks authentic! I'm very happy!!! <img src=
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Natalie Dormer Success - 10 janvier 2016
November 20, 2015- Sent LOR, SASE, 4x6, 8x10 January 9, 2016- Received 8x10, 4x6 Signed Check out all my autographs at Address Used Natalie Dormer United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK Uploaded with ###://
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Natalie Dormer Success :D - 05 décembre 2015
I sent a request to Natalie Dormer on the 21/6/15. On the 7/8/15 I received a signed photo from Natalie <img src= The address I used was: Natalie Dormer United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK
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Natalie Dormer Success! - 26 novembre 2015
Hi, today I received autograph from Natalie Dormer. I really like her ;)<!-- s;) -->
I sent: letter, picture, IRC - 09.09.2015
I received: my singed picture with dedication - 26.11.2015

Adress I used: 
Natalie Dormer
United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London, W1F 0LE


Thanks Natalie and Fanmail <!-- s;) --><img src=
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